일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
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- 선택적조인
- Struts
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- 가우스
- jsr 296
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Where The Streets Have No Name
multi row input form 본문
First define a Bean called StudentGrades:
Package example;
public StudentGrades {
private String name, biology, chemistry, physics, english, math;
public String getName () { return this.name; }
public String getBiology () { return this.biology; }
public String getChemisty () { return this.chemistry; }
public String getPhysics () { return this.physics; }
public String getEnglish () { return this.english; }
public String getMath () { return this.math; }
public void setName (String name) { this.name = name; }
public void setBiology (String grade) { this.biology = grade; }
public void setChemisty (String grade) { this.chemistry = grade; }
public void setPhysics (String grade) { this.physics = grade; }
public void setEnglish (String grade) { this.english = grade; }
public void setMath (String grade) { this.math = grade; }
In your struts-config.xml, define:
<form-bean name="studentGradeForm"
<form-property name="grades" type="example.StudentGrades[]" size="50">
Then, presuming that your Action populates the StudentGrades array with
the student names, in your JSP, you'd say:
<html:form action="/some/action">
<logic:iterate id="student" name="studentGradeForm" property="grades" type="example.StudentGrades">
<logic:notEmpty name="student" property="name">
<TD><bean:write name="student" property="name" indexed="true"/></TD>
<TD><html:text name="student" property="biology" indexed="true"/></TD>
<TD><html:text name="student" property="chimstry" indexed="true"/></TD>
<TD><html:text name="student" property="physics" indexed="true"/></TD>
<TD><html:text name="student" property="english" indexed="true"/></TD>
<TD><html:text name="student" property="math" indexed="true"/></TD>