Where The Streets Have No Name

GetDlgItem()의 잘못된 사용습관 본문

Developement/C, C++, C#

GetDlgItem()의 잘못된 사용습관

highheat 2008. 5. 22. 11:51
출처 : http://box.co.kr/raymondjeon/index.php/741

CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem( IDC_MYBUTTON ); // OK

CButton* pBtn = (CButton*)pWnd;                    // WRONG, its not a CButton

pBtn->SetCheck(0);                                            // Should fail


GetDlgItem() uses CWnd::FromHandle() to return the temporary pointer.


class CMyDialog : public CDialog


    CButton m_btn;

    // ...

    virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();



BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()


    // ...

    m_btn.SubclassDlgItem( IDC_MYBUTTON, this );

    // ...




    CButton* pBtn = new CButton;

    HWND hWnd = ::GetDlgItem(this->m_hWnd, IDC_MYBUTTON);

    pBtn->Attach( hWnd );


    pBtn->SetCheck(0); // it's safe to use call this as pBtn is an actual CButton object



    delete pBtn;






CObject* CHandleMap::FromHandle(HANDLE h)


    if ( h == NULL ) return NULL; // Invalid handle, return


    // Lookup in the permanent map first

    CObject* pObject = LookupPermanent(h);


    if ( pObject != NULL ) return pObject; // return permanent one, and be glad


    else if ( (pObject = LookupTemporary(h)) != NULL ) // in temp map


        // The pair is already there in the temporary map

        // So just set the handle(s) in the existing object

        // the handle is at m_nOffset bytes offset after CObject

        HANDLE* ph = (HANDLE*)((BYTE*)pTemp + m_nOffset);

        ph[0] = h;

        if ( m_nHandles == 2 ) ph[1] = h; // Some (CDC) may have 2 handles


        return pObject; // return current temporary one



    // Couldn't find the handle either in permanent or temporary map

    // probably, this handle wasn't created by us, so we must create a temporary C++ object to wrap it.

    CObject* pTemp = NULL;


    // Use the runtime class associated to this type of handle to create the object of the Wrapper class

    pTemp = m_pClass->CreateObject();


    // Object is temporary, so make an entry in temp map

    m_temporaryMap.SetAt( (LPVOID)h, pTemp );


    // now set the handle in the object

    HANDLE* ph = (HANDLE*)((BYTE*)pTemp + m_nOffset); // after CObject

    ph[0] = h;

    if ( m_nHandles == 2 ) ph[1] = h; // Some class (CDC) may have 2 handles


    return pTemp; // return the created temporary object



CWnd* PASCAL CWnd::FromHandle(HWND hWnd)


    // Get the global handle map, create if not exist

    CHandleMap* pMap = afxMapHWND(TRUE);


    // Call the FromHandle function of the returned CHandleMap

    //  to get the corresponding MFC object pointer

    CWnd* pWnd = (CWnd*)pMap->FromHandle(hWnd);


    return pWnd;



CHandleMap* PASCAL afxMapHWND(BOOL bCreate)


    AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetModuleThreadState();


    if ( pState->m_pmapHWND == NULL && bCreate )

        pState->m_pmapHWND = new CHandleMap( RUNTIME_CLASS(CTempWnd), offsetof(CWnd, m_hWnd );


    return pState->m_pmapHWND;



class CTempWnd : public CWnd






#define offsetof(s, m)    (size_t)&(((s*)0)->m)


BOOL CWnd::Attach(HWND hWndNew)


    // create map if not exist

    CHandleMap* pMap = afxMapHWND(TRUE);

    pMap->SetPermanent( m_hWnd = hWndNew, this );

    return TRUE;
